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Beef Cows in the World Chart

feed Mitigation potential Regional results Emission sources Emission intensities Aggregated emissions

Production from livestock supply bondage can be expressed as per protein ground, allowing comparisons between species and products. Eastward and Southeast Asia, with most 19 1000000 tonnes of protein, is the region with the highest production, mainly driven by monogastric species. Western Europe, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean and Southern asia take comparable production levels, between 12 and 10 million tonnes of protein. The profiles, nevertheless, are different: while beefiness, milk and chicken play the chief part in Latin and North America, Western Europe's product is primarily driven by the dairy cattle sector, while in S Asia a major office is besides played by buffalo production. About Due east and Northward Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, Oceania and Russian Federation, with product between 4 and 1.six one thousand thousand tonnes of protein, have a lower individual share at global scale.

Regional production. Regional total production and their contour by commodity are shown. Meat production in protein basis was calculated by using data on dressing percentages, carcass to os-free meat and average bone-free meat protein content. Milk from all species was converted into fat and protein corrected milk. Eggs product is likewise expressed in poly peptide terms.

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The livestock sector consumes annually about 6 billion tonnes of feed textile in dry matter, including 1 third of global cereal production. 86% of the global livestock feed intake is made of materials that are currently not eaten by humans. In addition, soybean cakes, which production can be considered as main driver oF state-utilize, represent four% of the global livestock feed intake. Monogastric consume 72% of the global livestock grain intake while grass and leaves represent more than 57% of the ruminants' intake.

Global livestock feed intake. Share of primary feed types consumed by livestock supply chains (both ruminants and monogastric species) in 2010.

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The livestock sector is a significant contributor to global human-induced GHG emissions. Livestock supply chains emitted an estimated total of 8.1 gigatonnes CO2-eq in 2010 (using 298 and 34 as global warming potential for NorthwardiiO and CH4 respectively). Methane (CH4) accounts for about l percentage of the total. Nitrous oxide (NiiO) and carbon dioxide (COtwo) represent well-nigh equal shares with 24 and 26 per centum, respectively.

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Emissions past species

Cattle are the chief contributor to the sector's emissions with almost 5.0 gigatonnes CO2-eq, which represents nigh 62 percent of sector's emissions. Beef and dairy cattle generate similar amounts of greenhouse gases. Pigs, poultry, buffaloes and small ruminants have much lower emissions, representing between 7 and 11 percent of sector's emissions.

Global estimates of emissions by species. Information technology includes emissions attributed to edible products and to other goods and services, such as draught ability and wool. Beefiness cattle produce meat and non-edible outputs. Dairy cattle produce milk and meat besides equally non-edible outputs.

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Beef meat and cattle milk are the two bolt with the highest total emissions, accounting for three.0 and one.6 gigatonnes COtwo-eq, respectively. They are followed past pig meat with 0.82 gigatonnes COtwo-eq, chicken meat and eggs (0.79 gigatonnes CO2-eq), buffalo meat and milk (0.7 gigatonnes COii-eq) and small ruminants meat and milk (0.5 gigatonnes CO2-eq). The rest of emissions are allocated to other poultry and non-edible products.

A style to compare the performance of different commodities is to express the emissions on a per poly peptide basis. By doing and then, buffalo meat is the article with highest emission intensity, with an average of 404 kg CO2-eq per kg of protein, followed by beef meat, with an average of 295 kg COii-eq per kg of protein. Meat and milk from small ruminants and milk from buffalo present the third, fourth and fifth highest emission intensities amongst commodities with averages of 201, 148 and 140 kg CO2-eq per kg of protein. Cattle milk, craven meat and eggs and pork accept lower emission intensities, all below 100 kg CO2-eq per kg of protein. Emission intensities vary profoundly amongst producers, specially in ruminant products. This reflects different agro-ecological conditions, farming practices and supply chains direction. Is within this gap betwixt loftier and depression emission intensities where opportunities for mitigation can be found.

Global emission intensities past article. All commodities are expressed in a per protein basis. Averages are calculated at global calibration and represent an aggregated value beyond different production systems and agro-ecological zones .

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Emissions from livestock supply chains originate from 4 main processes: enteric fermentation, manure management, feed production and energy consumption. GLEAM provides disaggregated information on emissions from those pathways.

Enteric fermentation accounts for the methane generated during the digestive procedure of ruminants -although not-ruminants species also produce methane when digesting, the amount is much lower. Feed quality is closely correlated with enteric emissions. Poorly digestible rations, i.east. highly gristly ingredients, yield college enteric methane emissions.

Manure acts as a source of both methane and nitrous oxide. Methyl hydride is released during anaerobic decomposition of organic thing. Nitrous oxide is mainly generated during manure ammonia decomposition. Different manure management systems (MMS) tin can lead to unlike emission levels. In full general terms, methane emissions are higher when manure is stored and treated in liquid systems (lagoons or ponds), while dry MMS such as drylot or solid systems tend to favor nitrous oxide emissions.

There are several emissions related to feed product. Carbon dioxide emissions arise from expansion of feed crops and pastures into natural areas such as forests, from manufacture of fertilizers and pesticides for feed crops and from feed transportation and processing. Nitrous oxide emissions are acquired by the utilize of nitrogenous fertilizers and past direct application of manure both in pastures and ingather fields.

Energy consumption occurs along the unabridged supply chain. Production of fertilizers and the use of machinery for crop management, harvesting, processing and ship of feed crops generate GHG emissions, which were accounted every bit part of the emissions from feed product. Free energy is also consumed on animal production site for ventilation, illumination, milking, cooling, etc. Finally, livestock commodities are processed, packed and transported to retail points, which involves farther energy apply.

Enteric fermentation accounts for 44 per centum of total sector'southward emissions, with near iii.five gigatonnes CO2-eq. Feed product is the second largest source of emissions, with 3.3 gigatonnes CO2-eq or about 41 percent of total emissions. Manure management is responsible for almost 10 pct of the total, or 0.8 gigatonnes CO2-eq. Energy consumption, both on-farm and postfarm, account for 0.4 gigatonnes CO2-eq, or well-nigh v percentage of the total.

Global emissions by source. Relative contribution of main sources of emissions from global livestock supply bondage.

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Regional emissions and product figures vary widely. Differences are explained by variations on the share of ruminant and monogastric species and emission intensities. GLEAM distinguishes different livestock product systems (LPS), namely grassland, mixed and feedlot for cattle; grassland and mixed for other ruminants; lawn, layers and broiler for chicken and lawn, intermediate and industrial for pigs. It allows a more accurate assay of feed ration composition, MMS, energy consumption and the implications on GHG emissions.

Latin America and the Caribbean area take the highest level of emissions, with 1.9 gigatonnes COii-eq, acquired past the specialized production of beef. Although it has dramatically reduced its pace in the last years, historical state-utilize changes contributed to loftier CO2 emissions arising from deforestation and pasture expansion. East and Southeast Asia, with almost 1.half dozen gigatonnes COii-eq, is the second highest emitting region, followed past Southern asia with 1.v gigatonnes COii-eq. N America and Western Europe show similar levels of emissions (effectually 0.half-dozen gigatonnes CO2-eq). Near Due east and Northward Africa presents a similar level of emissions as the latter regions, but only less than one-half of protein production level. Sub-Saharan Africa present comparable emissions figures -most 0.4 gigatonnes CO2-eq, while Eastern Europe, Oceania and Russian Federation share much lower emission levels (betwixt 0.1 and 0.2 gigatonnes CO2-eq).

Regional emissions . Regional total emissions and their contour by commodity are shown. Results exercise not include emissions allocated to non-edible products and other services.

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Emissions reduction from the livestock sector tin be achieved by reducing product and consumption, by lowering emission intensity of production, or past a combination of the 2. GLEAM does not evaluate the potential of reduced consumption of livestock products. Mitigation potential estimates in GLEAM are based on the broad gap in emission intensities that exists on a global and regional calibration and within production systems and agro-ecological regions. The estimation for mitigation is around 33 pct, or about 2.5 gigatonnes COii-eq, with respect to the baseline scenario. This figure arises from the assumption that producers in a given organisation, region and agro-ecological zone were to apply the practices of the 10th percentile of producers with the everyman emissions intensities, while maintaining constant output.

Mitigation potential of the global livestock sector. The mitigation potential estimate excludes changes betwixt farming systems and assumes the overall output remains constant.

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