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Anti-Mage icon.png

Strength attribute symbol.png

Agility attribute symbol.png

Intelligence attribute symbol.png

21 + 1.half dozen

24 + 2.viii

12 + 1.8

Level 0 1 xv 25 xxx
Health 200 620 1060 1620 1820
+0.25 +2.35 +iv.59 +7.39 +8.39
Mana 75 219 519 879 1011
+0 +0.6 +1.86 +3.36 +3.91
Armor 0 4 10.53 17.two 19.87
Damage Block xvi (fifty%)
Magic Resistance 25%
Status Resistance 0%
Impairment 29‒33 53‒57 92‒96 132‒136 148‒152
Attack Rate 0.71/southward 0.89/due south ane.17/s 1.45/s 1.57/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Assault Speed ▶️ 100 (1.4s BAT)
Assault Blitheness 0.3+0.6
Projectile Speed 0
Movement Speed ▶️ 310
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 24
Vision Range (Thousand) 1800 •800
Legs 2
Gib Type Default
Ability Upgrades

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.

Glimmer Fragment
Slashes his foes with mana-draining attacks.
Amid the ascetic monks of Turstarkuri, just a young acolyte was fortunate enough to escape the fallen legion's assault on the monastery. Now, vowing to eliminate not only the magic of the Dead God, the Anti-Mage returns to eradicate magic altogether. Protected past a Counterspell shield, he shrugs off sorcery that would finish lesser heroes. No wizard'due south flim-flam is enough to contain or elude the Anti-Mage, as he Blinks out of traps, send Fragments of himself, to pursue targets to the ends of the earth. With each swing of his unorthodox blades, the Anti-Mage erodes his opponent's mana, setting up the depleted caster to perish in a crushing Mana Void.

Mana Break




Blink Fragment

Blink Fragment

Mana Void

Roles: Carry Deport Escape Escape Nuker Nuker
Complexity: ★☆☆

Bio [ ]

Anti-Mage minimap icon.png Anti-Mage

▶️ "They who live by the wand shall die by my blade."

The monks of Turstarkuri watched the rugged valleys below their mountain monastery every bit wave later on moving ridge of invaders swept through the lower kingdoms. Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic. So came the Legion of the Dead God, crusaders with a sinister mandate to supplant all local worship with their Unliving Lord's poisonous nihilosophy. From a landscape that had known nothing but blood and battle for a one thousand years, they tore the souls and bones of countless fallen legions and pitched them against Turstarkuri. The monastery stood scarcely a fortnight against the set on, and the few monks who bothered to surface from their meditations believed the invaders were but demonic visions sent to distract them from meditation. They died where they sabbatum on their silken cushions. But i youth survived--a pilgrim who had come up every bit an acolyte, seeking wisdom, but had withal to be admitted to the monastery. He watched in horror as the monks to whom he had served tea and nettles were first slaughtered, and so raised to join the ranks of the Dead God's priesthood. With goose egg just a few of Turstarkuri's prized dogmatic scrolls, he crept away to the comparative rubber of other lands, swearing to obliterate not only the Expressionless God's magic users--but to put an end to magic altogether.

Abilities [ ]

Mana Break icon.png

Burns an opponent'southward mana on each attack and deals damage equal to a percentage of the mana burnt. Enemies with no mana left are temporarily slowed.

Mana Burned per Hit: 28/40/52/64

Max Mana Burned per Striking: 1%/1.eight%/2.half-dozen%/3.four% (Talent1.6%/2.4%/3.2%/iv%)

Burned Mana as Harm: 50%

Illusion Percentage: l%

Move Speed Irksome on Full Drain: 10%/20%/thirty%/xl%

Slow Elapsing: 0.75

Can be used by illusions.

Uses the same movement speed boring values.


Modifiers [?]




A modified technique of the Turstarkuri monks' peaceful ways is to turn magical energies on their possessor.


  • Deals 14/twenty/26/32 extra damage + 0.v%/0.nine%/1.3%/1.vii% (Talent 0.8%/i.2%/ ) of the target's max mana as impairment (before reductions).
  • Burned mana every bit damage is considered as a conditional attack impairment bonus.
    • Although the assail damage bonus values are not displayed in the HUD, it is nonetheless considered and directly added to Anti-Mage's assault damage.
    • The attack impairment bonus values are not considered past critical strike.
    • However, it is considered past lifesteal and cleave, and it tin can be reduced only by flat reductions (e.yard. damage block).
    • Since it is considered bonus assault damage, it is not affected by percentage-based set on damage bonuses or reductions.
  • Illusions burn a reduced amount of 14/20/26/32 mana + 0.5%/0.9%/1.three%/1.vii% max mana per hit.
    • Illusions too bargain a reduced amount of bonus damage; vii/10/13/sixteen extra damage + 0.25%/0.45%/0.65%/0.85% (Talent 0.four%/0.six%/0.eight%/i% ) of the target's max mana equally harm (before reductions)
  • Applies the mana loss commencement, and and so the impairment, and so, if the target has no mana left, the tiresome debuff.
  • Does not work against allied units when attacking them.
  • Fully stacks with other sources of Mana Break.

Blink (Anti-Mage) icon.png

Curt distance teleportation that allows Anti-Mage to move in and out of combat.

Cast Animation: 0.iv+0.53

Cast Range: Global

Max Blink Distance: 925/1000/1075/1150 (Talent1175/1250/1325/1400)

Cooldown: 15/12/nine/6 (Talentfourteen/11/8/5)

Mana: 60

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:

In his run across with the Dead Gods, Anti-Mage learned the value of being elusive.


  • Glimmer disjoints projectiles upon cast.
  • Does not blink for the total distance when targeting closer than the max altitude.
    • When targeting beyond the max blink distance, Anti-Mage blinks for the max distance towards the targeted signal.

Counterspell icon.png

Passively grants you lot magic resistance. Can be activated to create an anti-magic shell effectually you that sends any targeted spells back towards enemies instead of affecting y'all.

Bandage Animation: 0+0

Magic Resistance Bonus: 15%/25%/35%/45% (Talent35%/45%/55%/65%)

Shield Elapsing: ane.ii

With Aghanim's ShardAura Far Radius: 900

With Aghanim's ShardAura Close Radius: 300

With Aghanim's ShardFar Outgoing Spell Harm Reduction: 10%

With Aghanim's ShardClose Additional Outgoing Spell Damage Reduction: 20%

With Aghanim's ShardAura Linger Elapsing: 0.five

Cooldown: 15/11/7/3

Mana: 45/50/55/60

Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.

Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:

Counterspell passively grants an aura that reduces enemy spell damage. The reduction is stronger in shut range.

Disabled by Break.

Disables the passive magic resistance bonus.

Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.

Disables the outgoing spell damage reduction aura.

Partially usable by illusions.

Magic resistance bonus does not apply.

Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.

Bestows the outgoing spell impairment reduction aura.


Modifiers [?]
















With the proper focus, Anti-Mage turns innate resistance into calculated retaliation.


  • Interrupts Anti-Mage'south channeling abilities on bandage.
  • Stacks multiplicatively with other sources of magic resistance.
  • Increases Anti-Mage's full magic resistance to 36.25%/43.75%/51.25%/58.75% (Talent 51.25%/58.75%/66.25%/73.75% ).
  • With Aghanim's Shard icon.png Aghanim'southward Shard, Counterspell provides two auras. Both auras linger for 0.5 seconds.
    • The start aura has a radius of 900 and reduces enemy spell impairment by 10% .
    • The second aureola has a radius of 300 and increases the spell damage reduction of the first aura to 30% .
    • Applies generic outgoing damage reduction on enemies within range. Stacks additively with other sources of generic approachable harm manipulation.
    • The reduction affects only spell damage enemies deal that is non flagged as HP removal. Attack harm is not reduced.

Blink Fragment illusion every bit they appear to allies.

Blink Fragment icon.png

Blinks an illusion at the target enemy or location and attack for a brief time. Counterspell is replicated on the Blink Fragment illusion. Has 3 Charges

Cast Animation: 0.ii+0.84

Cast Range: 925/1000/1075/1150 (Talent1175/1250/1325/1400)

Illusion Harm Dealt: 75%

Illusion Impairment Taken: 200%

Illusion Elapsing: vii

Number of Charges: 3

Charge Replenish Fourth dimension: 25

Cooldown: 0

Mana: l

Does not pierce spell immunity.

Cannot exist cast on spell allowed units.


Modifiers [?]





Ability Draft Notes

Power Draft Notes:

Does not require Blink to be drafted to work.

Mana Void icon.png

For each signal of mana missing by the target unit, damage is dealt to information technology and surrounding enemies. The main target is likewise mini-stunned.

Cast Blitheness: 0.3+0.63

Cast Range: 600

Radius: 500

Harm per Missing Mana: 0.8/0.95/ (Talent0.9/one.05/ane.ii)

Stun Duration: 0.3 (Talent1)

Cooldown: 70 (Talenttwenty)

Mana: 100/200/300

Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere.

Blocked fully only when main target.


Modifiers [?]

After bringing enemies to their knees, Anti-Mage punishes them for their apply of the arcane arts.


  • The targeting reticule must be centered over an enemy unit.
  • The impairment is calculated based on the principal target'due south mana, but practical to all enemies within the radius.
  • Mana Void outset applies the debuff, then the harm.
  • Only the primary target gets stunned.
  • Can be cast on units without a mana pool, applying the mini-stun only.
  • Plays a audio result during the cast time, which is audible to anybody.

Talents [ ]

Contempo Changes [ ]

  • Increased base of operations armor from -1 to 0.

Recommended Items [ ]

Starting items:

Early game:

Mid game:

  • Power Treads icon.png Power Treads provide Anti-Mage with attack speed and attributes switch, keeping him alive with force, or sustaining his abilities usage with intelligence. Besides, the +25 assault speed and +ten agility is invaluable when farming. Battle fury provides +60 damage, so you need some attack speed to farther boost that, even though your base attack time is already pretty practiced.
  • Battle Fury icon.png Boxing Fury provides Anti-Mage with HP and mana regeneration, and gives Anti-Mage a carve that allows Anti-Mage to farm and push button much faster. Also gives +threescore harm which makes farming a lot faster.
  • Manta Style icon.png Manta Style provides attributes that benefit Anti-Mage well. The illusions benefit from Mana Break, greatly improving Anti-Mage'due south harm and pushing potential. If yous feel that a lane is unsafe to push button (if no heroes are showing), send illusions to button it out and blink away from it equally fast every bit possible while farming. Additionally, the split allows Anti-Mage to dodge and remove spell furnishings, which tin be useful for removing silences and blinking abroad.

Late game:

  • Eye of Skadi icon.png Middle of Skadi grants a lot of attributes, and grants xl% hp reduction and a slow. Should be the get-go item later manta every bit the actress stats are admittedly needed on anti mage who has one of the lowest strength/intelligence gains in the game, and somewhat mediocre agility proceeds. Yous can take basher instead, all the same make sure to accept skadi after that, and only then upgrade into abyssal blade.
  • Abyssal Blade icon.png Abyssal Blade gives Anti-Mage a harm heave, a chance to bash enemies when attacking, and a guaranteed stun that goes through spell amnesty. Information technology also gives Anti-Mage some strength and health that will increase his health pool.
  • Butterfly icon.png Butterfly offers a very substantial damage boost every bit Anti-Mage is an agility hero, it also gives Anti-Mage armor, evasion, and additional attack speed on top of the attack speed gained from the agility on the item. Now, you're non but taking reduced magical damage thank you to counterspell, only likewise reduced concrete harm thanks to the armor and evasion, exist information technology through correct clicks or spells.

Situational items:

Gameplay [ ]

Audio [ ]

History [ ]

Equipment [ ]

Trivia [ ]

  • In DotA, Anti-Mage'southward full proper name and championship was "Magina, the Anti-Mage"; in Dota 2, his name was removed for unspecified reasons.
    • In DotA, Anti-Mage has a chance to spawn with "Called-for" as proper noun, instead of Magina, which is a tribute to the professional DotA thespian Called-for.
  • In DotA, Anti-Mage and Terrorblade minimap icon.png Terrorblade were brothers. This was to be kept in Dota 2 based on certain responses Anti-Mage made in Terrorblade'due south presence, only upon Terrorblade'south release, these relations were severed and thus the lines went unused.
  • In DotA, Anti-Mage was bullheaded, due to the model of the Warcraft 3 character he used, Illidan Stormrage, who was blind.
  • Blink Fragment uses the same power icon as the Desecrate power from the now removed Ancient Prowler Shaman icon.png Ancient Prowler Shaman.

Gallery [ ]
